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Underwater Treasure Hunting with a Drone

We have been told stories of shipwrecks and how they got recovered following years after the event happened. Take, for instance, the Titanic. It was an unforgettable shipwreck story. It was discovered after many years using modern technology. Today, new equipment is used to find lost treasures under the sea/ocean either for sunken ships or scavenger hunt. One of them is a remotely operated vehicle—a drone. If you want to create your own “pirate treasure map,” read on.

It sounds almost impossible to do underwater treasure hunting with a drone, but yes, it is possible. Many lost treasure hunters make use of it for a global treasure hunt. It was created by Eric Stackpole and David Lang, who wanted to search a cave in California for gold. These drones have been designed to be water-resistant alongside features that make them able to move in the water. 

So, if you are planning a treasure hunt underwater, you may want to include drones to a list of equipment that you will need. 

How To Plan A Treasure Hunt Adventure Underwater

Generally, treasure hunting is fantastic, and you may want to make it more adventurous. Creating such an experience involves creating treasure hunt clues underwater, but you need to assess all you have. For instance, you need a game plan and instructions to get started. Instructions can be delivered using several means, including water. Then, you hide the treasure at a final destination where you and the organizers would only know it. Next, you need to gather participants together and orientate them about the game and the rules. 

Remotely-operated Vehicles for Treasure Hunting

The ROVs are remote-controlled devices that are operated from the surface and guided in great depths; they make use of a jet propulsion mechanism for movement. These drones have incredible features such as manipulator arms, HD cameras, cables, connectors, color viewing monitors, and so on. 

Remotely-operated vehicles are divided into different forms depending on their use and the features they possess. For treasure hunting, remotely-operated metal detectors and underwater light systems are the best forms of the device to use. 


Remote Operated Metal Detectors

This is used at treasure or shipwreck points to detect the presence of metals. First, you direct your RMD to the location where an object is hidden; then, the device transmits findings back to the operator above the surface. JW Fishers RMD-1 Remote Metal Detector Option is an example of an RMD that can be used. Of course, this is the pricey option—but it works even for a prey treasure hunt.

Underwater Light Systems

Having deployed the drone or ROV into great depths of water, you may need a source of illumination. It is impossible to see what is below; hence, an underwater illumination system is required. You can make use of a DIY light source that would illuminate through a large area of underwater when you go treasure hunting. However, devices like JW Fishers DHL-2 Diver Held Light System and SL-2 Single Underwater Light are underwater light systems that can be used. 

In essence, one uses a drone to find what has been buried under.

What Are The Components of An ROV (Underwater Drone)?

To make use of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) for your treasure hunt is a brilliant idea, but you need to know its components. The following are basic, yet vital components of an underwater drone. 

PowerVision PowerRay Drone


They are propellers which are used to drive the vehicle underwater. They are either powered electrically or hydraulically. The more the thrusters, the faster the movement. 


This shows the image underwater to the operator above; hence, knowing where to direct the vehicle. Images underwater can also be taken with the help of this camera. 


This carries electric power from underwater to the surface level for the sole purpose of controlling the vehicle and receives images from the camera. 


At great depths, it may be almost impossible to see what is beneath; hence, lights are needed as underwater illumination, especially for the camera.  

Pilot Controls

While the entire body of the drone goes down into the water, there is something else that stays above the surface—the pilot controls. They make it easy to control and navigate the drone underwater. It could be in the form of a smartphone or a small remote device. For instance, as a spaceship has control rooms, so does an ROV with pilot controls.

remote control


What keeps all the features of the ROV safe when treasure hunting is the frame. It protects the thrusters, tether, camera, lights, and so on. Often times, the frame is an open rectangular shape, so it can be easy to modify. Besides, the shape is easy to build. 


Before now, drones were used typically to search for lost treasures and sunken ships; however, the potentials are no longer limited as they are used to deliver scavenger hunt clues. For a pretty great treasure-hunting experience, new suggestions are welcomed, and trying out an underwater treasure hunt using water drones would be a lot of fun. This wouldn’t be only for the participants, but for people who are watching too. What’s your opinion on this? Leave a comment and tell us more!

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